Sponsor of the Year Award
In 2018, AGLCA created an award to honor the outstanding service and support AGLCA Sponsors provide Loopers. AGLCA accepts nominations from members during the summer months, and then the membership votes on a yearly winner from those Sponsors who are nominated. The award is usually presented at the Fall Rendezvous each year.
Heritage Harbor Marina
2024 Recipient

Congratulations to Heritage Harbor Marina for being named 2024 Sponsor of the Year! Kim Russo, AGLCA's director, explains why members selected them Sponsor of the Year.
"The team at Heritage Harbor has gone well above and beyond for members in the past year as they welcomed our 'Flotillas' day after day when the Illinois Waterway locks reopened in October of 2023 after a 90-day closure. When the locks reopened, we had nearly 300 Looper boats waiting to head south, and Heritage Harbor worked closely with us to ensure those boats would have a safe place to tie up after a long first day of locking through.
"Instrumental in that effort was the late Jeremy Fowler, who we lost shortly after the busy Looper season at Heritage Harbor ended. In 2023, Jeremy participated in our online briefings to let members know what to expect when the locks reopened, and he shot a video to help Loopers understand what they'd find when arriving at Heritage Harbor, how to navigate in to the marina's basin, and how to find the slip they were assigned. Jeremy was also well-known for his detailed briefings for Loopers on what they should expect as they complete the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers as part of their Great Loop.
"Jeremy's wife, Kristi, who worked alongside him at Heritage Harbor has now taken on the leadership position at the marina. Bryce Wallace who has lived aboard at Heritage Harbor for many years is now presenting the daily briefings for Loopers. Bryce is an assistant lock master for the USACE and helped many of us tie up when arriving at Heritage Harbor. Kristi and Bryce are both familiar faces to Loopers.
"Thank you to the entire exceptional team at Heritage Harbor who has offered oustanding support to Loopers!"
Curtis Stokes & Associates
2023 Recipient

Curtis Stokes & Associates has been a long-time sponsor of AGLCA and continues to meet the needs of the membership as evidenced by these nominations.
"The name 'Curtis Stokes and Associates' stands for knowledge, giving, friendship, and integrity! We have known Curtis and his associates for years, not only as an Admiral Sponsor of AGLCA, but as the listing broker of boats (buying and selling) for friends of ours. He has sponsored youth sailing programs and adult sailing events in our area. So, when we made the decision to sell our “Pride and Joy”, C-Life, the decision of who to call was very clear. Curtis came to Ft. Myers, Florida, and listed out boat, and while listed it was shown numerous times by Curtis and his associates, as well as other brokers. Ads for our boat were placed in many boating magazines as well as on-line services. We were very pleased to have all of the help and advice in selling our boat. Once we accepted an offer, Curtis was here in Southport, NC, for the survey and sea trial which went well. While C-Life has been listed, Curtis has been very responsive to our calls, texts, and emails. He and his associates are hardworking and goes above and beyond to help boaters and their needs."
"To the crew of Blue Heron, both the interaction WITH and services provided TO AGLCA throughout the year, put Curtis and his team on a level really above all of the other sponsors.. They give freely of so much of their time to make valuable presentations at the Rendezvous, the Looper Lifestyle marketing program of the home crew and other items as requested by Kim & Company. His financial contributions and sponsored meals/dinners/cocktails at the events are appreciated by a substantial portion of the membership. The way we really look at it, and the reason we see his group "a level above" is that he is really a true 'PARTNER' of AGLCA and his "sponsorship" makes AGLCA a better organization for all of us."
Delaware City Marina
2022 Recipient

Congratulations to Delaware City Marina! AGLCA members have selected them as the 2022 Sponsor of the Year. Here's why they were nominated:
"Tim and his staff have provided an incredible service for Loopers, not only in what he does but how freely he teaches all who pass through the marina. His daily briefings on weather and evaluating travel conditions are invaluable, not only for the information provided but how he teaches Loopers to use Information available that will stand them in good stead in all their cruising. Beyond the briefings, his assistance docking and boat handling instructions in the currents make a visit to Delaware City a great learning opportunity."
"I was fortunate to tie up at Delaware City Marina on my trip north this year and I learned a lot from Tim's weather briefing. Thank you, Tim, and the entire crew at Delaware City Marina, for your support of Loopers and of AGLCA."
Waterway Guide
2021 Recipient

Ted Stehle and the entire team at Waterway Guide were recognized in 2021. At the time of their recognition, Waterway Guide had been an AGLCA sponsor for more than 15 years and they have supported countless Loopers on their Great Loop adventure by providing books and electronic information to help make the journey safer and more enjoyable.
Ted and Waterway Guide were nominated because "Ted is a Gold Looper from a long way back and a terrific resource for information along the Loop. He and his wife Audrey vet the Skipper Bob Anchoring Guide and the Waterway Guide online updates. When you read an updated report along the route, you can bet Ted and Audrey have confirmed it is correct. These two books should be part of a seasoned cruisers boat library. You may have seen Ted at a Rendezvous presenting his seminar on LOCKING, an essential skill to master for every Looper."
Ess-Kay Yards
2020 Recipient

Ess-Kay Yards had been an AGLCA sponsor for the better part of a decade at the time of their award recognition. Located in Brewerton, NY, Ess-Kay is a family owned and operated marina founded in 1968 by George E Mann. Kim is George's daughter and she, Ethan, and their staff are proud of the quality service, warmth and hospitality they share with Loopers and all boaters who visit their facility on the Erie Canal.One nominator shared the following about Ethan & Kim.
"In addition to all their normal caring for Loopers and boaters in general, this year saw them very active in pushing to get the Erie Canal opened. They also kept the boating community informed and up-to-date on what was going to happen when things did start to open. Great sponsor, always willing to help, and good discounts for members."
Captain Chris Yacht Services
2019 Recipient

At the time of their award recognition, Chris & Alyse Caldwell had been AGLCA sponsors for 10 years and they have presented at almost all AGLCA events. They educate Loopers in classroom settings and through training DVDs as well as onboard vessels. They go out out of their way every day to provide Loopers with the knowledge they need to have a safe, fun-filled Great Loop Adventure.
One nominator shared the following about Chris and Alyse.
"Chris and Alyse are FANTASTIC!!! We hired Capt. Chris for help with docking and he went above and beyond to explain not just docking but so much more about the engine, windlass, maintenance, etc. He saved us a ton of money by finding a problem with our windlass; plus, he taught us so much and we have been boating for 20+ years. Chris also has great posts on FB each week which are open to everyone free of charge. And truly anyone can call him at any time and he will help you over the phone. He also supports AGLCA and they attend the Rendezvous and provide tons of info. Both of these individuals go above and beyond for all boaters. They more than deserve this award."
Curtis Stokes & Associates
2018 Recipient

Curtis Stokes & Associates has been a faithful Admiral Sponsor of AGLCA for many years and Curtis Stokes along with his staff go above and beyond to help Loopers find the right boats to achieve their Great Loop dreams by taking into account the lifestyle, budget, needs and preferences of their customers while educating them on the features a Loop boat must have. Additionally, when Loopers are ready to move on to other adventures, they make sure they find another owner looking for their dream boat. Curtis shares his expertise on finding the right Looping boat at AGLCA Rendezvous and Looper Lifestyle events each year. Staff attend all AGLCA events as exhibitors and eagerly answer questions from Loopers.
A nominator shared this comment about Curtis Stokes & Associates.
"Curtis and his entire team is focused on cruisers finding the RIGHT boat and enjoying the lifestyle, not just making a sale. They took the time to educate us on boats, what to look for and were patient at every twist and turn. It's a pleasure to find a brokerage with such integrity and community involvement."